Pulse of European Literature

Project area
Books and Reading / Literary Translation 
Pivec Publishing House (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / Literary translation 2015
EU funding
29.466,40 EUR

Project duration: 1 September 2015–31 August 2017

Pivec-Utrip-Evropske-LiteratureThe project Pulse of European Literature will offer the public translations of the selected European novels, which were awarded with EUPL prize and which are bringing interesting topics to Slovenian and European readers – mostly connected with European identity. The 5 novels will be translated in Slovenian language by experienced translators and published in printed and e-form. The authors, novels and translators are:

– Anna Kim: Die gefrorene Zeit / Zamrznjeni čas from German by Tanja Petrič
– Lada Žigo: Rulet / Ruleta from Croatian by Nino Flisar
– Emilios Solomou: Hμερολóγιο μιας απιστίας / Dnevnik nezvestobe from Greek by Klarisa Jovanović
– Piotr Paziński: Pensjonat / Penzion from Polish by Klemen Pisk
– Ioana Parvulescu: Viaţa începe vineri / Življenje se začne v petek from Romanian by Aleš Mustar

The novels Frozen Time and Roulette are connected with the war in former Yugoslavia, especially the post-war themes, first is focused on missing persons and the second brings us the image of post war Croatian society and its gambling problems. The Diary of Infidelity is intimate novel about relationship between man and three women, which are playing fateful role in his existence. The novel Boarding House faces young man with Jews who survived the Holocaust. They are the last living witnesses to the pre-war world of the Polish Jews, and the author shows in what form the Jewish tradition exists in Poland today. The novel Life Begins on Friday is charming journey into a world more than 100 ago, but very similar to our own. The stories of the various characters unfold, each closely interwoven with the next, and outlining the features of what ultimately turns out to be the most important and most powerful character of all: the city of Bucharest itself.

The Publishing House Pivec will host all five authors on mini tours; they will appear in at least two Slovenian cities – Maribor and Ljubljana. On these talks/readings, also the translators will be present as guest and interpreter. (Source: EAC)

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