Coordinator: Javna ustanova u kulturi Dubravacke ljetne igre Dubrovnik (HR)
Partners: Association Kulturanova Udruzenje (RS), Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor (SI)
Project amount: 315.830 EUR
EU support: 188.000 EUR (59,53 %)
Project duration: 12. 10. 2018–2. 11. 2020
PORT OF DREAMERS is an international collaboration project aimed at exploring the narratives, memories and places of migrations by creating artistic projects dealing with 100 years of migrations on European continent and at the same time offering different artistic tools to current refugees to express and redefine their own experiences. The exploration of the migrations topics will result in development of innovative modes of co-creation, production of new works by young and emerging artists and encourage team-working and audience development.
(Source & further info at EC.)