Our Lives

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Federacija Institute (partner) 
Project lead
Gorilla Theater e.V. (DE) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2017
EU funding
198.026 EUR

Project leader: Gorilla Theater e.V. (DE)
Project partners: Česká improvizační liga (CZ), Combats Absurdes (FR), Federacija Insitute (SI)

Project duration: 1. 8. 2017–30. 4. 2019

Our Lives is an international theatre project running in duration of 2 years. It includes the creation of 8 new theatre productions and 52 public events – theatre performances, workshops, panels, lectures – in 18 different EU countries. The project hosts artists from all 28 countries of EU and thematically explores ways of living in different countries and the question of what kind of world is formed when all these different ways of living are brought together. Is it possible to shape an entity richer than only a sum of its parts avoiding adaptation and exclusion, keeping everyone’s voice heard and an important part of the living and always changing union?

Foto: Borut Bučinel
Foto: Borut Bučinel

Project activities:
14th International Festival of Improvisational Theatre, Ljubljana, 20-25 November 2018

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