A New European Generation – Exploring Freedom and Identity through Creative Integration / LIBERTY

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Pionirski dom Youth Culture Centre (partner) 
Project lead
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2019
EU funding
1.303.678 EUR

Partners: Pionirski dom Youth Culture Centre (SI), ALTONALE Gmh (DE), Centar za promociju zdravnh stilova zivota udruzenje (RS), CESIE (IT), CNC DANSE (FR), Den Selvejende Institution Swinging Europe Forening (DK), European Educational Exchanges – Youth for Understanding Aisbl (BE), Foreningen Aalborg Karneval (DK), Museo dei Bambini Societa Cooperativa Sociale Onlus (IT), Teatrul National Radu Stanca Sibiu (RO), Trafo Kortars Muveszetek Haza (HU)

Project amount: 2.607.356 EUR (50 %)
EU support: 1.303.678 EUR
Project duration: 1 September 2019–31 January 2023

LIBERTY is an ambitious and innovative creative response to current challenges facing the European Union. At a time of significant change for Europe – with substantial movement of people and arrival into Europe of refugees; disturbing breakdown in community cohesion, focused by the terrorist threat; and the implications of BREXIT (and other possible EU structural change) – ArtReach and partners want to focus on the positive impact of creative integration through art and culture, helping to forge new sense of identity and place (both locally and Europe-wide) with strong engagement from young people. We also want to significantly develop and enhance a process of artist and artistic collaboration and audience development that previous ArtReach-led Creative Europe projects have initiated. Our commitment is to engagement of young artists and young audiences.

LIBERTY brings together 12 cultural partners from 10 countries, partners with shared values, passions and commitment.

We will forge a vibrant curatorial and development team, enabling artists and cultural professionals to work together over three years, commissioning at least 75 new collaborative works from 750 young artists that are presented as free access events across Europe and with transnational circulation. Inside Out Performance, Processional Theatre, Liberty Wall-Art, Outdoor Digital Arts projects, workshops and seminars will together explore our theme of creative integration and identity, encompassing Festivals, venues, interdisciplinary arts, training and conferences. Embedded in the project is commitment to audience development and education/training, prioritising culturally diverse and disadvantaged communities, including refugees, those from deprived socio-economic backgrounds and disabled people. LIBERTY will conclude with a five month pan-European programme from May to September 2022, maximising new technology to share works and ideas as widely as possible, and generating substantial legacy momentum.

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