Moving Cinema

Project area
Film and Audiovisual Projects 
Otok Cultural Institute (partner) 
Project lead
A Bao A Qu (Španija) 
Filmsko izobraževanje / Film Education 2018
EU funding
148.562,50 EUR

Moving Cinema: Methodologies, strategies and tools for young people to appreciate cinema and become active spectators.

They focus on contemporary and classic European auteur cinema, with special attention to films and filmmakers that differ from the mainstream, and yet are able to engage young people in a deep and meaningful way.

With these objectives in mind, they explore four strands of work: screenings and dialogues, young programmers, film practices with mobile devices (linking filmmaking to film viewing) and discovering films on VoD platforms. They develop diverse actions in each of these areas, which are subsequently analysed in order to define working models and their related processes.

These resources are published on the website with the intention of being useful for all those organizations, institutions and people interested in the transmission of cinema. Also with the purpose of disseminating the resources we conduct training sessions in the countries of the partner organizations as well as in other European countries.

Through its activities, Moving Cinema builds an important network of festivals, cinemas, screening spaces, schools, institutions, teachers and filmmakers that work together for film education for young people.

Moving Cinema is a project leaded by A Bao A Qu and developed since 2014 with Meno Avilys (Lithuania) and Os Filhos de Lumière (Portugal). The Centre for the Moving Image (Scotland) and the Cinémathèque Française (France) initiate their participation with the project in 2015 with the strand of work Young Programmers and the construction of “Inside Cinema” respectively. The BFI – British Film Institute (Great Britain) joins the project in 2016 with ‘Inside Cinema’ as well, and Kijufi (Germany) with practices with mobile devices and viewings on VoD platforms. Otok Insitute joins the project in 2018.


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