MAST – Master Module in Art, Science and Technology

Project area
Multimedia and New Technologies 
Arts Academy of the University of Nova Gorica (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014-2020) - Cross-sector / Modules for master degrees in art and science
EU funding
431.603 EUR

Coordinator: University of Nova Gorica, SchoolofArts (SI)
Partners: Madeira InteractiveTechnologies Institute (PT), TechnicalUniversityGraz, Institute of Spatial Design (AT), Kersnikova (SI), Kitchen Budapest (HU), Culture Action Europe (BE), Croatian Cultural Alliance/ Unicultprogramme (CRO)
Project duration: 2018–2020

The MAST project is developing an applied study module at the intersections of Art, Science and Technology, combining methodologies and practices that intertwine the academic sphere closely with the Culture and Creative Sectors. Nurturing a critical perspective on the historical, economical, social and above all cultural relevance of this interdisciplinary blend within the new digital shift, the MAST project will apply innovative, ICT-enhanced teaching and learning methods. Students from different countries and disciplines will, under mentorship of engineers, scientists and artists, in partnership with relevant NGOs and industry partners, jointly tackle challenges emerging from the paradox between the obviously disparate agendas of Europe’s innovation on the one side, and social equity on the other.

See call for  Modules for Master Degrees in Arts and Science (Connect/2017/3346110) results:
New master study program at School of Arts – University of Nova Gorica

Project activities:
Who wants to study across Art, Science and Technology?

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