Coordinator: Muzej za umjetnost i obrt (HR)
Partners: MIKSER Udruzenje (RS), Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (SI), Nova Iskra Kreativni Hab (RS), OAZA (HR), Werkraum Bregenzerwald (AT)
Project amount: 329.415,20 EUR
EU support: 197.649,12 EUR (60 %)
Project duration: 1. 10. 2018–1. 9. 2020
Made in is a research, design and heritage initiative encouraging collaboration and knowledge exchange between traditional craftsmen and contemporary designers. The aim of the project is to revitalize crafts tradition and educate designers about material and immaterial heritage, thus creating new, authentic and more sustainable face of contemporary design.
The Made in project aims to promote European craft heritage and innovative contemporary design to general public. The goal of the project is to establish knowledge exchange platforms, constructive dialogue, and ultimately, new collaborative practices between craftsmen and designers.
(Source & further info at MAO.)