Life Long Burning – Towards a sustainable Eco-System for Contemporary Dance in Europe

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia (partner) 
Project lead
danceWEB (AT) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2018
EU funding
2.000.000 EUR

Coordinator: danceWEB – Verein zur Förderung des internationalen Kulturaustausches im Bereich der darstellenden Künste (AT)
Partners: Asociatia 4 Culture (RO), brain store project (BG), ICI-CCN de Montpellier / Occitanie (FR), Muhely Alapitvany – Workshop Foundation (HU), Plesni centar Tala (HR), Stichting Het Veem Theater (NL), Stiftelsen Moderna Dansteatern Skeppsholmen (SE), STUK Kunstencentrum (BE), Uferstudios GmbH (DE), Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija (SI)

Project amount: 4.000.060,93 EUR
EU support: 2.000.000 EUR (50 %)
Project duration: 1. 7. 2018–30. 6. 2022

A collaborative network of 11 dance organisations in Europe has devised the Life Long Burning project (LLB) with the aim to accompany the radical change in contemporary dance practice. It wants to anchor dance practice, production and reception in a richer societal and discursive context to channel and advance this art form. The LLB activities are marked by two main strands: boosting artistic development and fostering the professionalization of the scene as well as advocating and advancing the art form and widening its impact all over Europe. (Source & further info at EAC.)

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