Coordinator: Associação Cultural Sete Sóis Sete Luas (PT)
Partners: Ajuntament de Tavernes de la Valldigna (ES), Associazione Coro a Tenores cultura popolare Tenores di Neoneli (IT), Ayuntamiento de Alcazar de San Juan (ES), Ciudad Autonoma de Ceuta (ES), Comune di Pirano / Občina Piran (SI), Comune di Pontedera (IT), Comune di Rovinj (HR), Mairie de Frontignan (FR), Mairie de Saint Paul de la Réunion (FR), Município de Alfândega da Fé (PT), Município de Pombal (PT), T.I.D.D. – Institut Tunisien pour la Démocratie et le Developpement (TN)
Project amount: 400.000 EUR
EU support: 200.000 EUR (50 %)
Project duration: 1. 5. 2018–31. 12. 2019
The project aims to create 4 large multicultural ambitious musical productions, which represent an important opportunity to:
– professionalize young talents from 6 Countries of Europe (Croatia, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain), from 3 neighbouring countries (Israel, Morocco and Tunisia) and from one ultra-peripheral region (La Réunion);
– develop new audiences with the participation of 32 musical groups of amateurs/refugees/choirs of white voices which in 15 cities will create 15 “word-of-mouth” committees;
– revivify the historical interest of the groups of amateurs of the 15 cities participating in the project.
Each musical creation will count with the participation of a chef and 6 musicians from 6 countries, who don’t know each other and have never worked together. (Source & further info at EC.)