In/visible cities – International Festival of Urban Multimedia

Project area
Interdisciplinary Projects 
KID PiNA (partner) 
Project lead
Associazione Quarantasettezeroquattro (IT) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2014
EU funding
199.957,50 EUR

In/Visible cities is an international festival of urban multimedia with a widespread and crossborder approach which aims to promote the interaction between technological innovation and artistic multimedia expressions as tool for urban spaces revitalization.
The Festival offers installations and multimedia shows, workshops and performances, focusing on “visible cities”, as theme for reflection and artistic action, and on “Invisible Cities”, with their history and their potential for future change.Festival activities take place at the same time in Trieste, Gorizia and Nova Gorica from 4 to 7 June 2015. After the event , some spin-off will be set up in partner countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Holland, England) in order to promote the circulation of works and artists through the rearrangement of best installations and performances.
The festival adopts a special formula which, besides supporting dialogue between different media languages, guarantees a varied activities offer: the reflection on the city is the focus of general public events while training initiatives and exchange of know-how are dedicated specially to students, artists and professionals.
The Festival aims to bring general public closer to new contemporary art expressions and, at the same time, it intends to consolidate the audience of professionals such as artists, architects, designers, new media experts which collaborate within the city adopting an innovative approach.

Festival ‘s offer is divided into 4 different sections:
– MAJOR EVENTS: events of great spectacular impact dedicated to the large public;
– EXPERIENCES: the main section which presents the performances produced by the festival or by guests chosen by the artistic committee.
– DISCOVERIES: contest dedicated to emerging talents who have the opportunity to realize their work in the spaces of the festival.
– MEETINGS: seminars and workshops with artists and professionals; presentation of innovative projects.
(Source: EAC)


Coordinator: Associazione Quarantasettezeroquattro (IT)
Partners: Kulturno Izobraževalno Društvo Pina, Koper (SI), 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning (UK), Association Metamedia (HR), Zaklada za promicanje partnerstva i razvoj civilnog društva (HR), PuntoZero Società Cooperativa (IT), Stichting Oddstream (NL)

Project duration: 10. september 2014–30. december 2015

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