International Classical Music Masterclasses – ARDEA

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Gallus Foundation (partner) 
Project lead
Centar za obrazovanje i kulturu »Akademija« Čapljina (BA) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2017
EU funding
22.152 EUR

Project leader: Centar za obrazovanje i kulturu “Akademija” Čapljina (BA)
Project partners: Gallus Foundation (SI), Sve ostalo je glazba/The Rest is Music (HR)

2017-02-04_1159-2 (1)ARDEA will achieve greater cooperation among three European countries and increase professional and private capacities of European musicians through training and education.
It promotes the culture and development of European networks, and cooperation and education among the waring populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina using the music as its medium of communication (Peace by Piece). It will provide opportunities for cooperation among musicians and the exchange and transfer of knowledge and skills in different music instruments. Ardea intends to set up a transnational network of 3 organizations located in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, engaged to provide an excellent and diverse form of high musical education and performances to young talented classical musicians, by jointly exposing them to master classes with internationally renowned musicians with different musical backgrounds. This project will notably have positive effects in developing the potential of Europe’s and BiH culture by helping young musician to learn from the world renowned professors.

Ardea’s main objectives are:
– Young Musicians – contribute to the developing of young musicians’ careers & employment; expand the number and range of musicians trained through its activities, provide skills, competence and expertise that strengthens the sector; help expand young European musicians’ audience to an additional European country, establish and develop cooperation between Music Universities in Bosnia.
– Society – connect and establish cooperation between people of different religions, races, nations and worldviews through music, represent the EU as cultural ambassadors, improve and spread access to cultural activity at a national and European level; evaluate and share best practice learned through the delivery of international performances to maximize knowledge exchange of working in different cultures and production environments.

Project duration: 1 May 2017–1 May 2018

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