Innovative sustainable artworks in public space (VITAL)

Project area
Multimedia and New Technologies 
CONA (partner) 
Project lead
Association Apollonia (FR) 
Creative Europe (2021–2027) - CULTURE / European Cooperation projects Small Scale 2021
EU funding
200.000 EUR

Coordinator: Association Apollonia (FR)
Partners: Cona (SI), ODA (XK), Out of the box intermedia (EL)

EU support: 200.000,00 EUR
EU support for Slovene partner: 38.000,00 EUR
Project duration: 1. 6. 2022 –31. 5. 2024

VITAL creates an innovative artistic ecosystem that respects the environment and contributes in its own way to the fight against global warming and atmospheric pollution.

Strasbourg will be offered four artworks integrating living plants and technologies with renewable energies, designed for public space, with active participation of citizens.

VITAL network connects number of artists who are sensitive to environmental issues with concrete ideas in line with the programme’s objectives and priorities.

Marco Barotti captures the fluctuations of atmospheric CO2 with living plant moss that covers his sound installation, Klitsa Antoniou creates garden from the burnt elements of the great fire in Cyprus and animated by the public. Thibault Honoré invents a sculpture whose palms are activated by wind energy, which in turn allows a series of activities and functions such as lighting and watering. Finally, the artists Irena Pivka  and Brane Zorman are inventing a sound application linked to the biodiversity of a public space.

Citizens play an extremely important role and participate in all the stages of the artistic process, i.e. design, production, operation and perpetuation, entirely based on the principles of co-creation.

In addition to raising awareness among artists and the targeted and wide public, project creates a European dynamic and a network for production and promotion of environmentally friendly works in public space, with local authorities and the industries’ support.

Project activities include: popular awareness-raising workshops, co-creation of artworks, performances and events organized with and around the works installed in public space and concept dissemination and sustainability activities.

We address artists, partners and associated partners, citizens involved in various workshops, public participating in the performances and events planned around art installations in public space, general public who will participate in one way or another in the various activities and school audiences and other specific audience groups.


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