Independent Radio Exchange Network 2.0 – IndieRe 2.0

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Radio Študent (lead) 
Creative Europe (2021–2027) - CULTURE / European Cooperation projects Medium Scale
EU funding
470.740 EUR

Coordinator: Radio Študent (SI)
Partners: Radios Campus France (FR), CORAX (DE), EMA RTV (ES), Dublin North East Communications Co-Operative Society Limited (IE), Civil Rádiózásért Alapítvány (HU), Radio Helsinki (AT)

EU support: 470.740,00 EUR
EU support for Slovene partner: 107.800,00 EUR
Project duration: 1. 11. 2022–31. 10. 2024

Indie-Re 2.0 – Independent Radio Exchange is a continuation of the project of the same name, which Radio Študent implemented as lead partner between 2019 and 2022. The new project continues to promote local urban music at a wider European level and to strengthen the competences and career opportunities of cultural workers in the field of music. In the second project, Radio Student Ljubljana has further expanded its partnership, which now includes 7 European partners. Together, the project will strengthen the cross-border exchange of non-commercial and independent music and promote various lesser-known genres of European music.

To this end, in addition to the regular exchange of music broadcasts on all participating radio stations, three international project conferences will be organized with external expert speakers, with the purpose to address the new developments and emerging challenges in the fields of music production, promotion, distribution and monetization, as well as the environmental aspects of contemporary music production and the role of music emancipation of marginalized social groups. The conferences will be geared towards knowledge sharing and capacity building for partner radios, as well as musicians and other music professionals. The project will also include an extensive promotional campaign at European level in order to further increase the visibility of included music artists and findings of expert conferences.

The project will thus enable direct networking between music journalists, musicians and other cultural practitioners at international level, open new markets for independent local music production and increase linguistic and genre diversity in the European music market.

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