Immersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in Western Balkans

Project area
Cultural Heritage 
Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana (partner) 
Project lead
Association centre for socialinnovations Blink 42-21 Skopje (MK) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects Western Balkans
EU funding
395.183 EUR

Coordinator: Association centre for socialinnovations Blink 42-21 Skopje (MK)

Partners: Arheoloski institut (RS), Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (GR), Balkan Heritage Foundation (Fondatsiya “Balkansko nasledstvo”) (BG), Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane (SI), Navipro d.o.o. (SI), Национална установа за управување со археолошкиот локалитет стоби (MK)

EU support: 395.183 EUR

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