Coordinator: Jauno Mediju Kulturas Centrs RIX-C (LV)
Partners: Projekt Atol Institute (SI), Aalto Korkeakoulusaatio SR (FI), Association Emmetrop (FR), Liepajas Universitate (LV), OSLOMET – STORBYUNIVERSITETET (NO), STICHTING BALTAN (NL)
Project amount: 300.000 EUR (60 %)
EU support: 180.000 EUR
Project duration: 1 September 2019–28 February 2022

GREEN project aims to build new European digital art and culture platform for critical discussions, artistic interventions and transcultural dialogue addressing the complexity of our relations with the environment. GREEN project takes a challenge to shape a new discourse of “naturecultures” which is more inclusive and capable to overcome the dualism between the human and nature.
The long dominated notion that humans are beings outside of nature is ultimately harmful and should be challenged. This situation no longer can be ignored due to climate change effects. GREEN project urges to reconsider our notion of the ‘green’, as despite its usually positive connotation, it serves the context for increasing technical manipulations and exploitation of living systems, ecologies, and the biosphere at large.
GREEN is not just another project about the art and ecology, but well-grounded collaboration in which several lines of earlier developments by partners have come together – “techno-ecological” perspective by RIXC and Greenness studies by Jens Hauser, curator of the exhibitions of this project, and experience by other partners: OsloMET/NO, LiepU MPLab/ LV, Emmetrop/FR, Biofilia/FI, Projekt Atol/SI, Baltan/NL.
Partners will be organizing series of WorkLabs with Creative Workshops and Production Residencies, taking place throughout the Europe. Larger gatherings and public manifestations of “naturecultural” art – Conferences and Exhibitions with Participatory Education and Public Engagement program will take place organized by core partners in Bourges, Riga and Oslo, ensuring circulation of artworks, artist mobility and exchanges, and reaching new audiences.
Network management activities will include Apprenticeship Exchanges and Trainings for developing and testing in practice new hybrid business models, involving young artists and cultural workers and feeding back this experience to the network, as well as benefiting the transnational European cultural field at large.