EASTN-DC: European Art-Science-Technology Network for Digital Creativity

Project area
Multimedia and New Technologies 
Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory (partner) 
Project lead
Association pour la Création et la Recherche sur les Outils d’Expression (FR) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2017
EU funding
1.374.788 EUR

Project leader: Association pour la Création et la Recherche sur les Outils d’Expression (FR)
Project partners: Aalborg Universitet (DK), Cardiff Metropolitan University (UK), Conservatorio di musica “G.F.Ghedini” (IT), Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory (SI), Institut polytechnique de Grenoble (FR), Interactive media art laboratory ASBL (BE), Ionian University (EL), Kungliga Musikhögskolan I Stockholm (SE), Miso Music Portugal, associação cultural de utilidade pública (PT), OpenUp Music CIC (UK), Scène de Musiques Actuelles du Pays de Romans, La Cordonnerie (FR), The University of Manchester (UK), Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (DE)

Project duration:  June 2017–November 2021

EASTN-DC, European Art-Science-Technology Network for Digital Creativity, is a network dedicated to the time-based digital arts: musical arts, visual arts, performing and interactive arts. In this field, the democratization of digital tools has provoked a spouting of new contents, ideas and commitments, premises of ongoing profound changes that rattle the practices along with the actors and the public.

In the meantime, a lack of synergy between the different functions carrying the digital mutation (research, creation, pedagogy, diffusion and valorisation) led to some deadlocks. The latters range from disciplinary imperviousness to inadequate relations between researchers, artists, educators and mediators, or from the very form of the new art pieces, the matter of their presentation to the public, to pedagogical concerns regarding the teaching of digital tools and their concepts.

In that frame, and by this fact, EASTN-DC actions aim at:
– Experimenting this synergy between research, creation, pedagogy, diffusion and valorisation at the European level
– Proposing new models for cooperation and digital content production connecting Art, Science and Technology.
– Establishing a sustainable base for a large European network in the field of time-based digital arts.

To do so, EASTN-DC is gathering 17 partners in 13 different countries from Europe to the Americas. They will host and exchange about 70 creators in the frame of a 16 international events tour spread over 4 years. These privileged moments, in direct contact with the audience, will frame a new and systemic approach, binding the Knowing “Disseminate”, the Learning “Inseminate”, the Making “Collect”, a digital creativity factory leading to a creative citizen.

Some statistics about the project :
– 14 partners, 10 European countries.
– 3 resource partners, 3 American countries
– 25 partners-creators + 47 invited-creators
– 4 activities : Tour, Residency, Communication, Coordination/Administration
– 335 mobilities regarding the 2 first activities
– 16 EASTN-DC events in 4 years.

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