eLiT Literaturehouse Europe

Project area
Books and Reading / Literary Translation 
Beletrina Publishing Institute (partner) 
Project lead
Wachau Kultur Melk Gmbh (AT) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2014
EU funding
200.000 EUR

Coordinator: Wachau Kultur Melk GmbH (AT)
Partners: Easterman Max (UK), Literaturhaus EV (DE), Universite Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle (FR), Europai Kulturalis Alapitvany Budapest (HU), NO Festival und Kino GmbH (AT), Beletrina (SI)

ELit-BeletrinaThe ELiT Literaturehouse Europe establishes an observatory for European contemporary literature focusing chiefly on: research, discussion and publishing results concerning literary trends across Europe, as well as the inter-cultural communication of literature within Europe and the dissemination of literature among the diverse cultural spaces within Europe. It enables writers to introduce their works in other linguistic areas and to discover new opportunities for publishing based on digital media. It develops innovative forms of communicating literature for young people from different south eastern European countries of the Danube Region Strategy who get to know Europe’s shared heritage through working on a literary subject and producing a collectively authored ebook.

ELiT Literaturehouse Europe regularly organizes these events: European literature youth meetings, European writers’ reading tours sessions, in particular, with the winners of the European Union Prize for Literature, workshops for young writers and – the annual highlight – the European Literature Days in the Wachau/Lower Austria.

ELiT Literaturehouse Europe headquarters is in Wachau/Lower Austria, where it facilitates networking for literary experts, centres and events as well as setting up cooperative programmes within Europe. It upgrades the professionalitiy of it‘s work and currently sets up a programme for writers and translators-in-residence. The European Literature Days take place in Spitz, a little village in Wachau, an outstanding cultural landscape and UNESCO World Heritage Centre. They are a highlight of the annual culture programme of Spitz and both well known and estimated in the region. At the website www.literaturehouse.eu, the European Literature social media platform www.readme.cc and trough ebook- and book on demand publications ELiT Literaturehouse Europe will introduce literary trends in Europe and publish and discuss texts on European issues in cultural policy. (Source: EAC.)

Project duration: 1. 1. 2015–31. 12. 2018

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