DECONFINING: Deconfining arts, culture and policies in Europe and Africa

Project area
Interdisciplinary Projects 
Inštitut za transmedijski dizajn (partner) 
Project lead
ITI Zentrum Deutschland (DE) 
Creative Europe (2021–2027) - CULTURE / European Cooperation projects Large
EU funding
1.816.842,00 EUR

Coordinator: ITI Zentrum Deutschland (DE)
Partners: PRO PROGRESSIONE (HU), Bodø24 (NO), Kulturhauptstadt Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut 2024 (AT), National Kaunas Drama Theatre (LT), Croatian National Theatre „Ivan Zajc“ (HR), ART TRANSPARENT (PL), Arts and Theatre Institute (CZ), On the Move (BE), Goethe Institut Madrid (DE), Institute for Transmedia Design: ITD (SI), Culture Funding Watch (TN)

EU support: 1.816.842,00 EUR
EU support for Slovene partner: 130.024,87 EUR
Project duration: 1. 7. 2022–30. 6. 2026

The DECONFINING project aims to create new, equal cultural ties between Europe and Africa by developing a sustainable reference cooperation model to be later extended further to other regions of the world. Building on the close collaboration between the two continents and the integration of their Capitals of Culture programmes, the project will bring together cultural practitioners, policymakers, performing, media/visual artists, in-field universities and audiences from both continents to explore and demonstrate new ways of intercontinental artistic and cultural (policy) cooperation and to contribute to a better understanding of confinement patterns from different points of view in an intercontinental perspective. All this in order to break free from paternalistic and colonial views in favor of a strong participatory attitude and to provide better access and information for intercontinental mobility and transnational co-creation.

The project is designed and led by 12 partners from 11 European and one African country, and will feature 4 forums, 4 micro-conferences, a mobility platform, an interactive policy toolkit, a DECONFINING anthology ebook, newly created artworks including performances, installations, 20 podcast episodes presenting (tandem) artistic practices, 12 art tours and a rich open digital archive.

The Institute for Transmedia Design: ITD will take care of the visibility of the project, managing the transnational communication and the dissemination of project activities and results in Europe and Africa. ITD’s CEO Sara Božanić is part of the project steering committee, which is responsible for the strategic segment of the project and for making recommendations for EU policy in the field of transnational cooperation.

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