Create to Connect -> Create to Impact

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Bunker Institute (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2018
EU funding
2.000.000 EUR

Coordinator: Zavod Bunker (SI)
Partners: ARTSADMIN LBG (UK), Drugo more (HR), Etablissement Public du parc et de la Grande halle de la Villette – E.P.P.G.H.V (FR), Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos-CULTURGEST (PT), Fundatia Alt Art Pentru Arta Alternativa (RO), Institut Umeni – Divadelni Ustav (CZ), Museum of Contemporary Art – Tbilisi (GE), NTGENT (BE), Santarcangelo dei Teatri (IT), Stichting Noorderzon Groningen (NL), Stichting Theater Rotterdam (NL), Stiftelsen Bergen Internasjonale Teater (NO), united artists labour (RS), Scientific Research Centre (ZRC SAZU) – Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, Institute of Ethnomusicology, Institute of Culture and Memory Studies (SI)

Project amount: 4.000.000 EUR
EU support: 2.000.000 EUR (50 %)
Project duration: 1. 9. 2018–31. 8. 2022

Create to Connect à Create to Impact (CtC -> CtI) is a continuation of the Create to Connect (CtC) project which started in 2013 as a joint effort of ten European cultural organizations (and three associate partners) to create powerful and long-lasting connections of artists, cultural operators, researchers and audience; seeking new production models for engaging the audience in new, innovative ways; and creating together new public arenas through dialogue and participation.

In the CtC -> CtI project the network has expanded to include five new partners and one associated partner, but most importantly has shifted its focus from audience building to creating impact – the meaning and value our work can produce in terms of change, innovation, empowerment and emancipation.

See final video by Hana Vodeb and outcomes of the project.

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