Classics in the Graphic Novel: A pilot model of new high school culture education through graphic novels

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Slovenian Theatre Institute (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2019
EU funding
200.000 EUR

Coordinator: Slovenian Theatre Institute (SI)
Partners: Divadelny Ustav (SK), Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego (PL)

Project amount: 335.284 EUR (59,65 %)
EU support: 200.000 EUR
Project duration: 1 November 2019–30 June 2023

Going to theatre is among those activities that are losing popularity the most, declining for 4% in last years, with only 28 % of Europeans have been in the theatre at least once in the last 12 months. This percentage is especially low among younger population. On the other hand, graphic novel as a genre is (re-)gaining popularity, especially among children, youth and young adults segments.
Also, Cultural education has only started to grow as important societal subsystem – how to set it up as a course, as a tool, or as a method, remains the most significant challenge in cultural sector in partners’ countries.

This project aims:
• To produce and publish joint international original graphic novel series focusing on European drama classics, and thus diversify the artistic and contextual means of theatre expression.
• To engage top graphic novel writers, illustrators, designers and theatre experts, and enable them international collaboration, job opportunities, and recognition on international level.
• To engage new young audiences to European drama classics and similar theatre performances and raise their interest in theatre and reading.
• To contribute to culture education by developing a pedagogical dramatics program for schools by using produced graphic novel as a teaching tool Target groups: high school pupils, students, teachers, pedagogs, graphic novel and theatre fans, artists.

Key activities: 9 produced and translated graphic novels, based on 3 common European theatre drama classics; 3 educational programs, developed with 9 high schools via international cross-genre and cross-sector focus groups and creative residencies, 1 Virtual Exhibition.
The project will be implemented by partners from three (3) EU Countries. The leading partner is the Slovenian Theatre Institute (SLOGI). The two cooperating partners are the Theathre Institute (TI) from Slovakia and Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego (ZRTI). All partners are respected cultural public institutes. For further info visit and follow FB @CGNproject.

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