CELA – Connecting Emerging Literary Artists

Project area
Books and Reading / Literary Translation 
Goga Publishing House (partner) 
Project lead
Stichting de Wintertuin (NL) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2019
EU funding
746.968 EUR
Source: FB@cela.europe.

Coordinator: Stichting de Wintertuin (NL)
Partners: Založba Goga / Goga Publishing House (SI), Asociatia Editorilor din Romania (RO), Camara Municipal de Obidos (PT), Escuela de Escritores S.L. (ES), HOLDEN SRL (IT), Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe (PL), Moravska Zemska Knihovna v Brne (CZ), Passa Porta NL (BE), Udruzenje Krokodil (RS), Vlaams-Nederlands Huis Deburen (BE)

Project amount: 1.493.937 EUR (50 %)
EU support: 746.968 EUR
Project duration: 2019–2023

The second edition of the talent development project CELA – Connecting Emerging Literary Artists – starts in September 2019 and will run for 4 years. In the first two years 11 literary organisations from 10 countries (The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Serbia) will together select and guide 30 emerging writers, 80 emerging translators and 6 emerging literary professionals, and offer them a multi-country programme of residencies and masterclasses to prepare them for working on the European market and for an international audience. The programme provides the talents with the necessary skills, an international network and materials for the second two years: their introduction on the European literature market.

In the third and fourth year, the participants will be launched through international marketing and publicity campaigns, a European Festival Tour to 10 literary festivals, the representation of their work at book fairs and literary festivals and networking and connecting to literary organisations. By participating in this project, the literary talents will gain access to a plethora of professionals from the publishing industry, such as renowned translators, agents, publishers, event organisers, literature professors, renowned writers and funding organisations, official entities, private programmers and audiences. We will increase the number of contract deals for literary creators and the ability of the participants to pursue an international career, as our methods have shown on a national scale, and during the first edition of CELA, on a European scale. In the long term, CELA will become a crucial step in the literary talent development infrastructure in Europe, maintaining a cultural diverse offer of literature for the European audience.

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