CEE Animation WorkshCEE Animation Workshop 2019–2021 (3rd year)

Project area
Film and Audiovisual Projects 
Slovenian Animated Film Association (lead) 
EU funding
160.000 (3. leto)

Coordinator: Društvo slovenskega animiranega filma (DSAF)
Partners: Zveza društev slovenskih filmskih ustvarjalcev (SI), Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta (SI), Asociace animovaného filmu (CZ), CEE Animation Institute (CZ), Asociácia producentov animovaného filmu (SK)
EU funding: 155.000,00 EUR (first year: 2018/2019), 160.000,00 EUR (second year: 2019/2020); 160.000,00 (third year 2021)
Project duration: 1 September 2018–31 November 2021

CEE Animation Workshop is a year-long project development and producer skills advancement training program designed for film professionals from low production capacity countries working in the field of animation.

For the third year in a row, the CEE Animation Workshop is the only Creative Europe MEDIA supported training activity especially tailored to the needs of animation producers and their creative teams from low production capacity countries who have projects in development. With its holistic approach, the CEE Animation Workshop accompanies a project over a period of one year from its early stages to a fully developed project ready to access the international market for financing.

The program consists of four online digital modules, each of them divided into two parts:
– theoretical part during which participants access the digital knowledge base of pre-recorded lectures and receive assignments;
– practical part during which online meetings with experts and fellow participants take place and theory is put into practice.

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