Cardinal Points of Contemporary European Literature

Project area
Books and Reading / Literary Translation 
Malinc Publishing House (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / Literary translation 2018
EU funding
29.917,47 EUR

Project duration: 1. 1. 2019–31. 12. 2020

List of books:
– Maite Carranza: Camins de llibertat / Poti svobode. Translation from Catalan into Slovene by Veronika Rot.
– Iban Barrenetxea: El cuento del carpintero / Mizarjeva zgodba. Translation from Spanish into Slovene by Barbara Pregelj.
– Eleni Katsama: Gorillas sto feggari. Translation from Greek (Modern) into Slovene.
– Jana Bauer: Groznovilca in divja zima. Translation from Slovene into Spanish.
– Peter Svetina: Modrost nilskih konjev. Translation from Slovene into Spanish.
– Jana Beňová: Plán odprevádzania (Café Hyena)*. Translation from Slovak into Slovene.
*EUPL Award.

The project Cardinal Points of the Contemporary European Literature publishes, promotes and contextualizes six high quality European literary works of minority and/or less known literatures, most of them written in less used languages and awarded at national and international level. Leading authors from Catalonia, the Basque Country, Slovakia, Greece and Slovenia are translated into Slovenian and Spanish by renowned translators.

The promotion of published books include various activities in Europe and Latin America: reading tours of writers and translators, round tables “Literary Mosaics” in bilingual parts of Slovenia, Italy and Austria, reading promotion project Leo, leo, translation of excerpts into Spanish, interactive and audio books, etc.

Recently, various theories (Postcolonial, Feminist, Polysystem) have radically changed the image of the World and European literature, pondering marginal, minority, peripheral and other overlooked discourses, which are crucial for the holistic image of the European culture. The activities in our project aim to establish the comparative frame of overlooked discourses in European literature, to emphasize similarities and differences in treating themes and motives, forms and genres, but also reflections on their translation.

All published books are designed in accordance with recommendations for dyslexic readers in order to facilitate reading for all the readers.
(Source: EAC).

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