BITE – Introduction of new business model into European contemporary art operators to generate new young audience

Project area
Interdisciplinary Projects 
Young Dragons Public Institute (partner) 
Project lead
Udruzenje gradjana BUM (RS) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2019
EU funding
200.000 EUR

Coordinator: Udruzenje gradjana BUM (RS)
Partners: The Public Institute Young Dragons (SI), Zavod TiPovej! (SI), BACKSLASH (ES), Color Media Communications (RS), Connect International (BE), Consorci de museus de la Comunitat Valenciana (ES), Kulturni centar Beograda (RS)

Project amount: 336.447 EUR (59,44 %)
EU support: 200.000 EUR
Project duration: 1 October 2019–31 September 2021

Today in the fast-changing environment than ever, driven with rapid development of technology, new ideas, change of communication and habits of people, all industries faced a moment in which they will either refuse to adapt to new circumstances and eventually struggle on market, or they will embrace those changes and take advantage of it. This applies to all business today, same as it applies to culture and art. Surrounded with those changes contemporary art and culture remained distant from ordinary citizens. Problems in their relation appears two levels: WAY of COMMUNICATION between cultural operators and young people and INNOVATION in sense of offered CONTENT. Both of which need to become more attractive and more appealing to them.

There are new business strategies offered, communication models, and even new events in this field, however none is offering to cultural operator all of it in one “package”. Consequently, as sustainability of culture and art depends on the audience, consumers and buyers who are not attracted, we have situation in which artistic community is facing existential problems.

The “BITE of Art” project is about using pan-European + comprehensive + multi-stakeholder approach for introducing of innovative business model in contemporary art which will ensure financial sustainability of the cultural operators by using new management and marketing tools in attracting new young audience. It represents a joint vision of cultural and artistic institutions and organizations coming from Spain, Slovenia and Serbia to bring innovative practices into work of cultural operators, shaping a path of mainstreaming contemporary art among young citizens.

BITE CABM combines modern marketing, business and communication expertise with innovative contemporary artistic events and performances, creating a comprehensive package which aim to redefine approach of contemporary art to the market in its core, targeting young people as new audience of contemporary art.

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