BABEL or The Art of Listening in Theatre for Young Audiences

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (partner) 
Project lead
Teatercentrum I Danmark (DK) 
Creative Europe (2021–2027) - CULTURE / European Cooperation projects Large
EU funding
2.000.000 EU

Coordinator: Teatercentrum I Danmark (DK)
Partners: Scènes d’enfance – ASSITEJ France (FR), AGORA Theater (BE), Théâtre la Montagne Magique (BE), ASSITEJ Srbija (RS), La Baracca Onlus (IT), Stichting de Stilte (NL), Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (SI), Baboro Festival (IE), Arts Printing House (LT), El Mes Petit de Tots (EMPT) (ES), ASSITEJ Sweden (SE), Bronks Jeugdtheater (BE), ASSITEJ International (IT)

EU support: 2.000.000 EU
EU support for Slovene organization: 159.090,00 EUR
Project duration: 1. 5. 2022–31. 12. 2025

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