B-AIR Art Infinity Radio

Project area
Interdisciplinary Projects 
Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia) (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2020
EU funding
790.335 EUR
Foto: juL McOisans/Tomaž Drnovšek/RTVSLO.

Project: B-AIR Art Infinity Radio – Creating sound art for babies, toddlers and vulnerable groups.
Coordinator: Radiotelevizija Slovenija javni zavod Ljubljana (SI)
Partners: BAZAART (RS), Ecole d’Architecture de Grenoble (FR), Institut Jožef Stefan (SI), ITA-Suomen Yliopisto (FI), Javna medijska ustanova Radio – televizija Srbije (RS), Radioteatar Bajsic i prijatelji (HR), Twixtlab AMKE (EL), Visokoskolska ustanova internacionalni burc univerzitet-International Burch University (BA)

Project amount: 1.580.670 EUR
Grant Awarded: 790.335 EUR (50 %)
Project duration: 1. 10. 2020–30. 8. 2023

In a world dominated by fast visual overstimulation, contemporary radio production, including artistic radio productions (radio plays, sound art and radio art), is facing challenges when embracing modern technologies and obtaining new audiences to invigorate sound-based creativity and communication with highly creative and internationally collaborative efforts in the framework of creative radio production. A number of initiatives (within the EBU or individual artists’ efforts), showed that it is possible to invigorate sound-based creativity and communication with highly creative and internationally collaborative creative radio productions.

In order to facilitate such collaborative and innovative international production in a more systematic way, a central production hub was proposed to enable experimental production and the reinvention of radio as a creative medium, as an artistic gesture itself, as well as provide a collaborative platform to reach new audiences. The platform aims to expand on what is available in professional radio studio infrastructure and satellite-link based audio streams with an artistic and reflective web radio platform that aims to retain the form of radio and to be, in part, available through participant’s usual radio programmes. Emphasizing the acoustic channel with the synergy of rich creative and interactive support, we want to tackle the predominantly visually-centric communication modalities of the modern media horizon and raise the subject of audio sensibility from an early age to explore recognition in new audiences.

Our network includes different institutions, from national radio broadcasters to research institutes, nursery hospitals and retirement homes, so that we can connect artists, experts, researchers and media workers with target audiences and create prototypes of new models and standards of production for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, vulnerable groups, old people, and develop instruments to evaluate their effectiveness.

Follow FB @BAirPlatform  and YouTube.

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