30. Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe)

Project area
Film and Audiovisual Projects 
Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014-2020) - MEDIA / Film Festivals 2019
EU funding
46.000 EUR

Ljubljana International Film Festival – Liffe
Slovenia’s biggest international film festival comparable to some of Europe’s main film showcases features outstanding achievements in global cinematography and major festival prize-winners (Cannes, Rotterdam, Berlin, Amsterdam, Vienna, etc.).
Liffe annually attracts between 40,000 and 50,000 cinema-goers and film enthusiasts wishing to keep abreast of the global cinematic trends. The festival caters to all ages, from the youngest audiences to seniors, thus linking all generations. Festival Director Simon Popek makes a well-chosen selection among the 700 films he sees throughout the season. Screenings of over a hundred films are accompanied by talks with festival guests and filmmakers, as well as round tables and workshops.

Festival sections: Perspectives, the official competitive section of young filmmakers competing for the Kingfisher Award sponsored by Telekom Slovenije, d.d. / Avant-premieres, a selection of the world’s finest films purchased for Slovenian distribution / Kings and Queens, films by notable and award-winning virtuosos of contemporary cinema / World Film Panorama, front-runners in five-continent festivals / Extravaganza, so-called late-night cinema of daring artists addressing idiosyncratic or sensual topics / Kinobalon, a selection of films for audiences aged between 7 and 14; 10th anniversary; in association with the Kinodvor Cinema / Europe in Short, competitive programme of short film / Focus / Tribute / Retrospective;

30th Liffe Statistics
Liffe screened 96 full-length and 25 short films from 54 countries: Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Croatia, India, Iceland, Italy, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Kazakhstan, China, Colombia, Kosovo, Cuba, Latvia, Luxemburg, Hungary, Mexico, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Soviet Union, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Uruguay, Great Britain, USA.
282 screenings took place, of which 20 in Maribor, 5 in Celje and 5 in Novo mesto.
53 screenings were sold out, over 48,000 tickets were issued.
Festival was attended by 50 guests, filmmakers and jury members coming from: Austria, Brazil, Montenegro, Denmark, France, Croatia, North Macedonia, Mexico, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Cuba, Serbia, USA, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Taiwan.
There were 34 after-screening talks with the filmmakers.
One ton of apples was eaten throughout Liffe in the Festival centre at Cankarjev dom.

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