Plečnik House among EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2018

The winners of the 2018 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards, Europe’s top honour in the field, were announced on May 15, 2018, by the European Commission and Europa Nostra, the leading European heritage network. Plečnik House, Slovenia wins in Category Education, Training and Awareness-Raising. Congratulations!
Plečnikova hiša, Foto: Andrej Peunik, Vir:

The 29 laureates from 17 countries have been recognised for their impressive accomplishments in conservation, research, dedicated service, and education, training and awareness-raising. As a contribution to the European Year of Cultural Heritage, this year’s Awards put special emphasis on the European added value of the selected heritage achievements. The winners will be honoured at a high-profile Award ceremony on 22 June in Berlin, during the first ever European Cultural Heritage Summit.

Further information at the Europa Nostra website.

Plečnik House wins in Category Education, Training and Awareness-Raising

Jože Plečnik was the most important Slovenian architect of the 20th century and was instrumental in shaping the appearance of modern Ljubljana. The renovation and revitalisation of the architect’s former residence began in 2013 to establish a new museum and a new research centre dedicated to the architect’s oeuvre. It has also put in place a regular programme of temporary exhibitions and educational activities for various focus groups, led by the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana. Following its reopening in 2015, the Plečnik House has enjoyed a radical increase of 130% in its visitor numbers. It is now one of the top tourist sites in Ljubljana.

With its museum presentation and active educational programme, the house has revitalised visitor appreciation of the work of Plečnik as well as the history of architecture. The project was funded by the City of Ljubljana and the European Regional Development Fundthrough the Ministry of Culture.

The elaborate educational programme, attached to the conservation of the house, has ensured the existence of a secure learning environment for the continuing education of various target groups of visitors as well as encouraging a broader appreciation of architectural heritage. The social value and benefits of the project are reflected in the integration of various social groups into different activities of Plečnik House”, the jury said.

Further information here.