Vantaa City Library, Finland

9.08.2016, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2016


Vantaa is one of the four Helsinki metropolitan cities and has ten libraries, two of which also serve as self-service libraries. In addition, two bookmobiles visit schools, day-care centers and areas that have no local library of their own. Vantaa city library strives to develop its library services to meet the demanding needs of the metropolitan population.

Mr. Jukka Pennanen (
Mr. Mikko Vainio (
Ms. Katariina Ervasti (


The basic idea in the project is to co-create a model for libraries in setting up a literature editor office to serve various types of writers in the library. The aim is to make better use of the already existing information skills and infrastructure and thus broaden the scope of libraries from lending to production. Unlike traditional library services that deals mostly with titles, the publishing service would focus on contents by editing, evaluating, and submitting manuscripts. It would guide the author and submit the work to the e-library and, if needed, publish it as a printed book. The publications would finally build up the local e-libraries which could be shared with other libraries. This means curating the library collections to meet better the wide field of local storytelling.

Please find more about the project in the appendix.