UFIP (Union of Italian Cymbal Makers) and KPS-Advising

23.10.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, October 31 2007
Project: Circus of Sound

The core activity of the project is the organisation of series of multimedia events / performances, based on cultural and historical relevance of music and instruments on locations chosen by partners, preferably museums of instruments or places where is possible for people to get in contact with sound-generating artefacts.
Through music, artists and instruments, Circus of Sounds aims to contribute to cultural integration. Partners should involve in the events also players and artists of non-European origin and associations of immigrants.

Contact: Stefania Centi, Elisa Scardezza, Dionisio Capuano
KPS-Advising, Str.Tiberina Sud 16/M, 06100 Perugia, Italy, T: 075 6099369, E: s.centi@kps-advising.com, e.scaradazza@kps-advising.com, d.capuano@secol.it