
17.02.2014, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, March 5 2014
Project: EUROPE 50K

Transforma is an organization based in Torres Vedras, Portugal, which operates within the culture and contemporary art practices, with the aim of enhancing the development of society. Promotes the transformation of society through the arts and creativity, approaching organizations and citizens of the various living communities. Facilitates creation processes, theoretical and practical research and documentation in artistic and educational contexts.

We are looking for partners based in small/medium scale European cities, who are interested in organising an international contemporary arts festival, aiming the promotion of citizenship and European diversity, through an innovative process of interaction between multidisciplinary artistic creation, cultural heritages and digital tools.

More in the appendix >>> Transforma.pdf

Contact details:
Luís Firmo, E:, M: +351 967027272
Transforma, Torres Vedras, Portugal, w: