The Network of the Art cities of the Po River Valley, Italy

14.09.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 31 2007
The Network of the Art cities of the Po River Valley, an Italian network of 12 cities, is looking for cultural European, national or regional networks (already existing) composed of local authorities active in the field of promoting cultural heritage related to local handicraft and culinary art.

The project aims at promoting and increasing the value of the traditional handicraft and the culinary art, understood as folk art expressions, resulting of ancient knowledge that enriches the variety of European cultural heritage. The networks will be the formal partners and they will involve some of their city members to carry out the project activities.

– increasing the value of traditional craftsmen professionalism/skills,
– promotion of the exchange of experiences among the operators active in the field of the cultural/tourist sector,
– realisation of interactive theatre performances addressed to the public to present the ancient craftsmen skills and culinary art that are typical of European local partners,
– information technology will be used to strengthen the virtual participation of craftsmen and young people ,
– production of a book.

Duration of the project: 2 years

The network interested in the project is supposed to contact the coordinator by the 1st October 2007.

Contact: Cecilia Tirabassi
Comune di Modena-Progetto Europa, Via Scudari 20, I – 41100 Modena
T: 0039 059 2032623, F: 0039 059 2032687, E: