Teatro Ambra Jovinelli

6.12.2006, Culture 2000 (2000-2006) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Friday, January 31 2025

Teatro Ambra Jovinelli (Rome) organizes the festival Faccia Da Comico every year in September. The festival is dedicated to comedy. In 2005 there is the project to open the festival to street theatre, open air, site specific theatre and circus.
Teatro Ambra Iovinelli wants to celebrate this dedicating a section of the festival Faccia da Comico to street theatre and circus: the idea is to recreate on the site a contemporary “Baraccone delle Meraviglie” (Fairground of Marvels), as the square was celebrated in a famous 18th century play, presenting on the historical site European street theatre companies, contemporary forms of eccentric shows, contemporary circus, side shows, magic shows, music (on stage an itinerant fanfares).

Valeria Campo
Via Contardo 11/16, 16122 Genova, Italy
T / F: ++39 010 873385, Mobile 3470885461
E: valeriacampo@fastwebnet.it
Direttore Artistico Sorrento Carnevalé – Ufficio Stampa Sorrento Carnevalé
W: www.temacom.org , www.carnevalesorrento.it
Teatro Ambra Jovinelli: