Teatrino Clandestino

16.04.2009, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Ostalo
Reply by Thursday, October 1 2009
Teatrino Clandestino - theatre company from Bologna, would like to participate as a co-organiser in any kind of project financed by Culture Programme.

Company was founded by Fiorenza Menni and Pietro Babina, they are the artistic director of the company. They are internationally recognized company for contemporary theatre; they are exploring new forms of language and theatre. They have worked with artists and performers from various disciplines (cinema, art, literature, music).

Teatrino Clandestino is co-financed and supported by: Italian Ministry of Cultural Activities, Emilia-Romagna Council, Province and the City of Bologna. It is also supported by ETI (Ente Teatrale Italiano), ERT (Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione).

Learn more about their work in the appendix.

Contact: Giorgia Mis, Enza Amato
Teatrino Clandestino, via del Pratello 53. 40122 Bologna, Italy; T: +39 0518552017, M: +39 329 0898744, +39 329 0898745, E: giorgia@teatrinoclandestino.org, info@teatrinoclandestino.org, W: www.teatrinoclandestino.org