Sunshine Projects

12.05.2010, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Visual Arts
Reply by Friday, October 1 2010
Project: The 24 hrs Europe

The organization si developing an ambitious multimedia project presenting The 24 hours of Europe. This multimedia project shows the daily life in the 27 capitals of the Union and that during for 24 hours. Multimedia means concretely the following components: 27 video films of maximum 24 minutes made by professional teams, a internet site (,footage on youtube, facebook, twitter (maximum 10 minutes) and pictures streamed by mobile and smartphone (maximum 2.40 minus) and at least distributing camcorders so that the inhabitants of Europe themselves can participate actively. This unique project is developed by a cooperation of excellent partners with a national and international reputation.
Tey wnat to cooperate with local televisions, journalists, directors, communication specialists, hosting and streaming companies or scools.
More information:

Contact: Dirk Celis
T: 0032475428709, E: