Studio Theatre

15.09.2014, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 1 2014
Project: The Boundless ContinentStudio Theatre from Poland is looking for partners (art gallery, art centre, theatre) to join a project “The Boundless Continent“ in the interdisciplinary field (theatre, visual arts, exhibition, and performance). The project proposal will be submitted within Culture sub-programme call for proposals with a deadline on 1st of October 2014.

The fundamental border of contemporary Europe has become the outer border of the Schengen area: a line created by the borders of member states, which changes when the European Union accepts new members. Immigrants and refugees, who come from countries and continents outside this clearly defined territory (particularly from poor region), and who cross the border of the European Union, have become a global phenomenon. Their migration has created new lines of division inside Europe.
The goal of the project is the revealing of the borders and divisions that exist in our minds and have profound impact on our behaviours, goals, and choices.

Grant project events include:
– a workshop: The demarcation line ,
– a performance: Leonora Carrington’s The hearing trumpet, 
– an exhibition: Making borders,
– an academic and art conference: The border is elsewhere,
– a dance show: The border zone, 
– a book: The boundless continent, 
– a website.

The Studio Theatre was established in 1972 from the Classical Theatre with help of Jozef Szajna – an eminent scenographer, director, painter and theatre theorist.

More in the appendix >>> TeatrStudio-PL.doc

Contact details:
Studio Theatre, e: