Studio L, Georgia

9.09.2016, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Friday, September 30 2016


Studio L was founded in 2014 by architects Levan and Lena Kiladzes. Both working more than 15 years on international architectural projects. Studio L besides architectural design and research practices interactive and educational architectural projects, organizes architectural exhibitions and workshops. Cooperating with UNS, Pratt Institute, as well as US and Netherlands embassies and lots of other international studios and funds.


Tbilisi architectural Biennale (“Searching for Identity”-working title) aims to initiate an interactive dialogue between architects, urban planners, designers, critics, researchers, historians and students.
Tbilisi Biennale is about promoting architecture and built environment through exhibitions, collateral events, spatial projects, lecture-seminars, panel discussions, workshops, educational activities, forums, etc.
Architectural Biennale will become the first precedential event in the region that aims to connect people to places and transform and share their knowledge and ideas. It’s about understanding and imagining the future of our cities through the environment we choose to plan, design and construct around us, search an identity in this globalized world and connect tradition with innovation.
It will become the hub for experienced, emerging and young architects and designers to exchange their experiences, knowledge and ideas.
In addition, Biennale in the region will encourage better understanding of the role of architecture in achieving a healthy, sustainable and culturally rich built environment raising quality of life.

T: 995 32 2 397174, M: 995 599 901234

Please find more about the project in the appendix.