Studio 6, Serbia

19.06.2018, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Saturday, September 1 2018

Studio6 – Contemporary music collective (Serbia) is looking for partners, esp. from the Netherlands, France, UK, Germany and Greece, who are contemporary music ensembles, concert organisers/festivals, educational music institutions, broadcast studios, performing spaces/cultural centres, foundations, international associations and networks, etc. for a project in the field of musical innovation.

Organisation: Studio 6

Studio 6 is a collective of Serbian performing musicians, composers and theorists, devoted to the promotion of today’s music. Aside from its main enterprise, which is planning and coordinating the activities of its instrumental ensemble, collective Studio 6 engages in educational programmes, discussion panels and regional network building with an aim to set up and nurture a vital and unique contemporary music scene in Serbia. The instrumental ensemble Studio 6 gathers internationally acclaimed soloists and performers of contemporary composed and improvised music. The ensemble encourages an open dialogue between listening, interpreting and creating in contemporary artistic practices. Ensemble’s activities range from first performances of XX-XXI century solo and ensemble works, to educational courses for students and performances of experimental pieces by younger generations of composers, improvisers and sound artists. A special attention is given to creative collaboration on new pieces, given the modular possibilities of the ensemble’s unorthodox instrumentation, which includes trumpet, harp, accordion, cello and electronics.

Project about musical creation as collaborative work of art

We believe that the terrain of musical innovation in the 21st century will be that of creative collaboration, whereas that of the 20th was principally that of new sounds and technologies for music, while still leaving the roles of composer, interpreter, improvising musician etc. as separate from one another. New forms of music could now come about through new ways of making music, and in particular by going beyond the idea of the composer-artist as sole creator to a situation where different ideas, skills and approaches may be combined in many different ways, as is already the case in pop and jazz composition/performance. Our work up until now with the ensemble and other projects has been a step in this direction. Our aim is to bring creative musicians together, through series of workshops, performances, master classes, documentation; to create a network/association which will enable such projects to happen easier in the future. Our focus is on collaboration within the music medium, rather than between different disciplines.

Contact: Milana Zarić
E:,; W: