STORMOPKOMST, an arts festival for children and adults (BE)

10.06.2013, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Tuesday, December 31 2013
STORMOPKOMST, an arts festival for children and adults is looking for potential partner organisations in and around Europe to exchange views and experience and to develop a cooperation project with EU support (Creative Europe programme).

STORMOPKOMST means STORM ‘S ON THE WAY. The ‘storm’ in the name refers to the upgrowing children amongst the public as well as to the artists and their work that will be shown at the festival. Children up to the age of about 12 are the main public of STORMOPKOMST, but we want them to discover the world of arts together with their parents and grandparents, their teachers or neighbors.

STORMOPKOMST is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary arts festival, with dance, theatre, music, visual arts, media arts, literature, film etcetera. The staff encourages young and celebrated artists to interact with children: by showing them their work (even if it was not intentionally created for children), by talking with the young public, by creating a work especially for them, by involving children in the creating process.

STORMOPKOMST is an annual festival. The 2014 festival will take place from 22 until 26 March at the well-known culture house de Warande (Turnhout). Turnhout is a small town at 50 km east of Antwerp. During the weekend the festival welcomes a family public, during the week it focuses on schoolchildren.

Contact: Sarah Rombouts
E:, T: 32 (0)14 47 21 49, W: