Speira – Speira

11.07.2011, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2011
Project: The Duty of ComedyWORLD-CEF, a Greek cultural management organization, is looking for partners on behalf of SPEIRA-SPEIRA.

Greek Musical Theatre Group SPEIRA-SPEIRA, invites European companies / organizations / institutions to participate as co-organisers / partners in a performing arts project on Aristophanes and the choral songs of his surviving comedies. The ancient Greek comedy writer’s heritage to humanity is today as powerful as ever and belongs to the cultural roots of modern Europe. Using as a springboard the choral songs by Aristophanes, this project will research in terms of performing arts development this ancient cultural heritage and its powerfulness in the 21st century.

“Speira – Speira” has decided to pay respects to Aristophanes’ choral songs – the parts sung by the chorus of each play. Chorus is about a team above all, a group acting as one.

Joint project activities will/may include:
theatre workshops, seminars, a symposium, a musical theatre performance on the choral songs by Aristophanes involving dance, original music composed for the performance, multimedia set designed for the performance, etc.

Contact: Mrs. Evi Sfikaki
WORLD-CEF Cultural Management
T: 00306972837020, E: evi@worldcef.eu