Serbian Jewish Choral Society, Serbia

21.02.2017, Cooperation projects (small) / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Saturday, September 30 2017

Organization: Serbian Jewish Choral Society

High vocal quality choir established in Belgrade in 1876 promoting the idea music diminishes borders between different cultural, national and religious communities. It carries out different projects in the field of social responsibility, building tolerance and remembrance. The idea of a cultural diversity, intercultural and interfaith dialogue defines the SJCS. It is the core of its existence, well incorporated in its program and membership origin (multinational). Its vast programme comprises the best Jewish, Serbian and world authors of all styles and epochs. The priority is to preserve and promote Jewish musical heritage, thus the choir has on its programme Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Hasidic, synagogue, traditional compositions, sings in Ladino, Yiddish, Hebrew, also in Old Slavic, Serbian, Croat, English, Latin, German, Spanish, Italian, etc. The important segment of its work is musical education and improvement acquired through master classes with the international conductors in the country and abroad. The choir has travelled a lot (even Carnegie Hall in 1978). The special attention is paid to building tolerance and remembrance (Holocaust), fight against prejudices, stereotypes, aggression, discrimination, racism, anti-semitism, xenophobia, which with great success SJCS realizes for already six years, under the sponsorships of the Ministry of Education, through the project “Never To Forget, Holocaust, Never To Happen Again – Music Writes Memories” – combating prejudices, racism, anti-semitism, for tolerance. SJCS was awarded HELLO AWARDS 2015 for the a.m. project and RECOGNITION of the State of Israel (277.1.2016) for developing immensely the relations between Serbia and Israel. The choir has received many awards and recognitions and many famous conductors leaded the choir: S. S. Mokranjac, J. Marinković, S. Hristić, B. Babić, R. Blam, B. Pašćan, K. Beric.

They are looking for NGOs, educational institutions (psychology, sociology etc.), governmental agencies, universities from Europe to join the project MUSIC WRITES MEMORIES.

Project “Never to forget, Holocaust, never to happen again- MUSIC WRITES MEMORIES”

Combating prejudices, discrimination, racism, anti-Semitism, Xenophobia;

It is the first time Holocaust is observed from four different angles: through music, social psychology  (profess. Dragan Popadić, Faculty of Psychology, Belgrade), history (PhD Milan Koljanin, Institute for Contemporary History) and survivors’ personal, true stories. As the part of this project an unanimous survey is carried out, for the aim of evaluating both the project and the lecturers, also collecting participants’ comments and opinions. The public lectures/workshops lasting 1.40 h organized in Serbia and other European cities for the young (primarily high school pupils, university students) and wide audience. Moderator conducts the lecture linking the choir, historian, and psychologist with the Survivor’s story. Music is introducing the period, atmosphere and event. The historian follows with historical figures, dates, PP presentation, while the survivor tells his/her story. (Europe, Belgrade, Serbia) before, during (manipulation, humiliation, restrictions, extermination), after the War (today). Short description of the prewar and war period (documentary photos) complements the lecture. Music clarifies the period – suffering, fighting, expresses gratitude, calls for remembrance, gives hope. Soc. Psychologist explains the nature and origins of holocaust and anti-semitism is put in a much broader context of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination in general. Numerous sources of PSD are discussed. Among the origins of PSD, the role of social and historical situation, propaganda and socialization in school, role of family and society.

Goal: Participants understand the process of discrimination – described by focusing on the roles of perpetrators, bystanders and helpers which not only make them better understand WWII (Holocaust) but make them better recognize the present wrong doings and future (permanent) dangers. Our yesterday is our today and tomorrow!
Outcomes of the project: SURVEY (research), FOLLOW UP CONFERENCE (exchange of experience, good practices, new ideas, community impact), CONCERT (Intercultural musical);
They are looking for NGOs, educational institutions (psychology, sociology etc.), governmental agencies, universities from Europe to join the project.

T: + 381 63 375 044 / + 381 63 383 966
W: http://www.sjpd.