Secolul 21 (21st Century) Cultural Foundation

8.09.2009, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Thursday, October 1 2009
Project: Cooperation projects (strand 1.1 or strand 1.2.1)

Secolul 21 (21st Century) Cultural Foundation is interested in taking part as co-organiser in cooperation projects through the Culture (2007-2013) Programme – strand 1.1. Multiannual cooperation projects or strand 1.2.1. Cooperation projects.

The Foundation wants to participate in projects that relate to themes such as intercultural dialogue, cultural identity, cultural leadership, from the fields of literature, books, reading and of cultural heritage.

Learn more about the organization in the attachment.

Contact: Alina Ledeanu
Secolul 21, T: +40723638243, E: