Quo Vadis Dance Company, Greece

27.04.2021, Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Monday, May 31 2021
Quo Vadis dance company, a Small non profit association from Greece. The association is looking for dance companies, performing arts, similar organizations / institutions whose practice is based on the development of performing arts. The aim of the proposed project is to collaborate for a research on performing arts and its purpose is to search for the main sources of dance that are similar and responsible for connecting this art form with artists and audiences, worldwide.

Organization: Quo Vadis Dance Company was founded in July 2017 by the choreographer Zafeiria Tsirakaki, in an initiative for a creative expression using the art form of dance. The primary motive of the company’s statement in the art scene is the conception and presentation to the audience of pieces that will trigger feelings, excite one’s imagination and broaden the understanding and perception of visual stimuli.
We, at Quo Vadis, consider continuous practical and theoretical research on all forms of artistic expression, to be the main source from where our inspiration is drawn. The promotion of arts to a wider audience, the encouragement and facilitation of an unrestricted and autonomous expression of artists, as well as the coordination between artists of diverse fields and backgrounds, all comprise the driving force of our action.

Project: This project has been inspired during the pandemic and its purpose is to search for the main sources of dance that are similar and responsible for connecting this art form with artists and audiences, worldwide.
The leading hypothesis is; if it is possible to create movement algorithms that when applied, they will create an avant-grand dance piece, pleasant to every audience.
The process is going to develop in many stages where partners are going to be involved with main management roles as well as the researching process itself. European dance companies are going to be a part of this research creating dance pieces presentative to the audience, gathering results during the creating process as well as the final presentation.

Associated partners: Studio8. dance company, Amman Jordan

Contact Zafeiria Tsirakaki, quovadisdancecompany@gmail.com
Quo Vadis dance company
W: https://quovadisdancecompany.com/