Provincia autonoma di Bolzano

4.10.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Ostalo
Reply by Monday, October 15 2007
Project within Strand 3 of the Culture Programme.

The Office of Italian Culture in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano is looking for European partners working in public institutions in order to start together a networking involving cultural departments of national, regional or local authorities, especially in those countries where different cultural groups are living and have a direct and practical experience in evaluating or conceiving projects regarding cultural or youth policy fields (performing arts and visual arts). Through this network they want to create opportunities of scientific debate on culture, since culture is very often the last point of discussion in media and political agenda.

Contact: Marisa Giurdanella, Patrizia Reggiani
Provincia autonoma di Bolzano –Alto Adige (Italy), Ufficio cultura italiana/ Office of Italian Culture, T: 0471 411230, 0471 411255, E:, W: