Pro Juventus Foundation, Poland

18.02.2020, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Thursday, February 20 2020
Pro Juventus Foundation is looking for partners to cooperate in a project in the field of classical music, dance and art sector.


The main goal is to promote the Western Balkan cultural achievements – to introduce Balkan classical music and particular artists to audiences in EU Member States as well as to enhance cultural exchange between Balkan region and other European markets.

Pro Juventus Foundation is preferably looking for institutions that are able to contribute in organizing concerts, art competitions and other special events. A potential partner should cover as well a local market research to create a list of potential artists, participants as well as convenient venues.

Contact: Iza Mrozowska (T: +48 882910439) and Anna Jeglinska (T: +48 531579492)