Pepper Art Projects Foundation

22.12.2014, European Platforms / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Friday, February 27 2015
Project: European platforms (Call 2015)

The non-profit organization Pepper Art Projects Foundation was established in 2011 with the aim of supporting the carreer start and introduction of young, talented artists. It organizes and participates on national and international events, providing introduction opportunities for young artists not yet belonging to galleries. The venues are chosen in a way to attract the largest number of visitors. Art historians, university teachers and experts with international experiences help the Foundation’s work on a regular basics.

Their main aim is to foster the recognition and visibility of emerging talents and to enhance the international mobility of cultural actors. Art education of the young generations and those in difficulty is also crucial. Finally, our aim is to present contemporary art in unusual, new venues.

The Platform intends to base its activity on two main programmes:

a) Exhibition in Theatres and Concert Halls

Each of the participating 10 artists (1 artists/country: chosen by an independent, international jury) will have 4 solo shows in various theatres or concert halls of certain of the 10 participating countries. The same scheme will be applied for the second year of the programme, with the participation of 10, new artists and new venues.

b) Art education programme

Members will get in contact with young contemporary artists and/or art historians having excellent communication skills making them suitable for the organisation of lectures and for the chairing of workshops.

As a next step, the Members will look for educational institutions not having an artistic education programme yet (institutions dealing with students in difficulty have priority) but who are open for a cooperation. In these institutions, the chosen artists and art historians lead workshops or have lectures that present contemporary artworks and the process of creating art in an easy-to-understand, interesting and interactive way. The goal of these sessions is to build a future, art-loving audience, to create direct contact between artists and audience and finally to creating interaction within the local community.

Contact: Nora Hanka
T: +36/20 927-4783

Published: 19.12.2014