Paesaggi Connessi, Italy

3.10.2016, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, November 23 2016


Paesaggi Connessi is a Sardinian organisation, established in December 2008, that works on the processes leading to the development of landscapes, which are considered under the environmental, historical and cultural perspectives. The focus of the association is on the landscape sustainability.
In particular, the organisation promotes:
– cultural activities by means of researches, art and technology;
– social development of local communities, through art and culture;
– local cultural and nature based tourism development,
– education and training on the relation between art, culture, environment,     technologies and local development.

According to the association:
– the places’ history and culture are deeply linked with the surrounding natural environment, which designs the local identity, even into the local people and visitors’ perception;
– sustainability is related to the identity of the places;
– the natural landscapes, as well as the rural landscapes, changes over time; the changes are sustainable when they respect the local cultural identities, it often means that contaminating with art and architecture unveils the profound places’ identities.

Our members are architects, artists, PMI owners, researchers and local development experts.


Possible partner interested in projects on heritage, sculpture, ICT, architecture and sustainability meeting our vision and mission.


Contact: Marco Pisu (E: