Non-governmental organisation ”Future technology for today”, Latvia

1.03.2016, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2016


Association was founded in 2010. It opened and started the project, which is a platform for readers in Latvia that are interested in dance.

Projects related to

Photo contest “Paint The Moment” in 2012
Exhibition “Magic Dance Expo” 2012 and 2013, Riga

STOPMOB – a flashmob where 1-3 dancers were standing in bus stops and listening to music and suddenly began to dance an improvisation. This campaign happened in cooperation with different radio stations. In total it took place in 36 bus stops. STOPmob took place in Riga, Latvia in 2013 and 2014.



Project idea is to create website – a platform for publishing dance art industry and dance culture events of the Baltic Sea region countries.

Currently news on dance culture events of Baltic Sea Region are fragmented / irregular and not easily found, because there is no single source of information culture (each organization has its own website and it makes it difficult for consumers to find the necessary information), as well as the information mainly is available in local language and not suited for other countries readers.

Each partner country editorial staff will be represented by their national dance industry publishing information of their national languages and partner languages. Main language will be English.

Information about the representatives from the Baltic Sea region countries will become more available at There will be cooperation possibilities, unique project realizations which will be available in several languages. Together jointly creating and organizing projects outside the Internet, such as flashmob Stopmob.

Please find more about the project in the appendix.