National Community Center “Virtual World”

11.05.2009, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Friday, May 15 2009
Project: The European Festival of the Young Artists and Cultural Professionals (EFYACP)- "EURO-CULTURE"

National Community Center “Virtual World” – Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria invites you to participate in the project „The European Festival of the Young Artists and Cultural Professionals” (EFYACP) – “EURO-CULTURE”.
National Community Center form Bulgaria is looking for partners to participate at the project The European Festival of Young Artists and Cultural Professionals “EURO-CULTURE” (EFYACP).

The aim of this partnership is to provide target groups to participate in project activities. The European Festival of Young Artists and Cultural Professional is forum for performing arts, visual arts, architecture and literature of artists and cultural professionals from different parts of Europe.
They are going to apply for EU grants (Call for proposalsDG EAC/09/2009 of the EC – Support for transnational mobility programmes or schemes in the field of culture). The duration of the project will be 24 months (during 2010 – 2011).
Deadline for submission of the project proposal is 15 May, 2009.

The target groups of the project are representatives working in the field of culture in the EU:
• Young people (of age up to 35)
• Students
• Journalists
• Artists
• TV and Film workers
• Multimedia workers
• Artisans
• Amateur choirs
• Painters
• Academic community
• NGOs

Contact: National Community Center Virutal World, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
E:, T: +359 898614724, Skype: pirin_tv