Musicamera, Portugalska / Portugal

11.10.2017, Cooperation projects (small) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Friday, December 1 2017

Musicamera Produções is searching for partners from all eligible countries in the fields of music; communities; historical sites; composition; migrations.

Organization: Musicamera Produções

Musicamera is a Portuguese cultural production company, all about music managed by musicians. Since its foundation in 2009, Musicamera organized several events and festivals, establishing partnerships with several musical groups, composers, municipalities and governmental agencies.

Project: Locations and Dislocations

Locations and Dislocations seeks to express, renew and recreate European experience and cultural heritage with an emphasis on the stories which constitute our sense of place and displacement – stories to be told, re-told and re-invented through musical projects which have the relationship between artist and community at their core.

See more.

Contact: Luís Pacheco Cunha
E:; W: